Virginia DUI Tape Search

DUI Records Search

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By searching y'all certify that you are above 18 years of age

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In Virginia, the legal claret booze concentration (BAC) limit is .08. With that BAC, a driver will be establish guilty of driving under the influence (DUI). Even if the drivers BAC is lower than .08, if the officeholder tin discover evidence that their driving ability is impaired and so they tin can still be charged with a DUI. If the commuter refuses to undergo the test that determines BAC, they volition exist arrested every bit if they were shown to have a .08 BAC. Drivers nether the age of 21 have to adhere to a BAC limit of .02, due to Virginias null tolerance policy.

A first time DUI offender in Virginia will spend five days minimum in jail. If their BAC was above .20, then the minimum jail term is increased to 10 days. The driver will also be fined a minimum of $250. If in that location was a passenger under the age of 18 in the vehicle, then the minimum fine increased to a range of $750 to a possible maximum of $1250. Virginia law as well demands that the drivers license is suspended for i yr. If the drivers BAC was .15 or above, and ignition interlock device is required once the interruption ends. Offending drivers as well accept to complete an booze safety action programme.

DUI / DWI facts and statistics in Virginia

  • In 2017, 19 out of the 246 driving fatalities due to DUI / DWI were driven by drivers nether the age of 21
  • In the same year, seventy out of the 19,323 offenders caught for DUI / DWI were nether the age of 18
  • In 2018, 29 out of the 240 driving fatalities due to DUI / DWI were driven by drivers under the historic period of 21
  • In the same year, 49 out of the twenty,885 offenders caught for DUI / DWI were under the age of xviii


DUI Search available in the following Counties:

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Tazewell County Warren County Washington County Westmoreland Canton
Wise County Wythe Canton York County City of Alexandria
Metropolis of Bedford City of Bristol City of Buena Vista City of Charlottesville
City of Chesapeake City of Colonial Heights Urban center of Covington City of Danville
City of Emporia Urban center of Fairfax City of Falls Church building City of Franklin
City of Fredericksburg Metropolis of Galax Metropolis of Hampton City of Harrisonburg
City of Hopewell City of Lexington Urban center of Lynchburg City of Manassas
City of Manassas Park Metropolis of Martinsville Urban center of Newport News City of Norfolk
City of Norton City of Petersburg Urban center of Poquoson Metropolis of Portsmouth
City of Radford Metropolis of Richmond Metropolis of Roanoke Metropolis of Salem
City of Staunton Urban center of Suffolk Urban center of Virginia Embankment Metropolis of Waynesboro
City of Williamsburg City of Winchester