Theodore Roosevelt the More You Know About Your Past

Theodore Roosevelt Accomplishments

Accomplishments of Theodore Roosevelt

I've always been fascinated with Theodore Roosevelt. I suppose that's because history records him every bit fearless. He's credited with wearing many hats, such as soldier, outdoorsman, father and statesman.

Beyond the mystique of the man, which is shrouded in legend, exists a cadre set of convictions that helped Theodore Roosevelt change the presidency. I've studied our 26th Commander in Master plenty. Fourth dimension and once more, what emerges is a picture of force, grace, cunning whit and deep intelligence.

While the public at large sometimes ranks him equally a narcissist,  I'm not so sure that label is fair. That'due south because in the clinical sense, narcissists are known only to care nigh themselves and have zero concern for the welfare of others.

But equally you will meet below, Theodore Roosevelt'south substantial accomplishments aren't in keeping with self-centered behaviors. In fact, quite the contrary.

Some people, perhaps understandably, confuse a strong personality with arrogance. But was it actually narcissism that caused Teddy Roosevelt (TR) to reverse the trend of the Gilt Historic period, which is marked by a cord of weak presidents that cow tailed past congress?

I'd say no.

Going by the historical record, TR was an active master executive, utilizing the powers of his function and his own personal popularity to create positive change. In fact, he is largely responsible for propelling the United States through the early on days of the xxth Century. Perhaps that's why many consider him the precursor of our modernistic Presidents?

More: Learn virtually President Lincoln's accomplishments

What follows is a major rundown of fifteen major accomplishments of President Theodore Roosevelt that might surprise y'all. I've tried to weave in some biographical data as a gateway to insight. My hope is to offer a mosaic of the homo, which should exist viewed through the prism of history.

teddy Roosevelt accomplishments
Theodore Roosevelt – 26th President of the United States

Theodore Roosevelt Quick Facts

Born: October 27, 1858, New York City

Died: January vi, 1919

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio male

Height: 5'10

Eye Color: Pale blue

College: Harvard University

ane. The Youngest President to Appointment

Although John F. Kennedy holds the title for being the youngest President ever elected into office at 43 years old, Theodore Roosevelt is all the same the youngest U.S. President to appointment. He took office at 42 years old, following the bump-off of William McKinley for whom he served as Vice President.

While beingness President of the United States is quite an achievement, Roosevelt had many other of import jobs and positions long earlier existence President.

Roosevelt was a popular author having written The Naval War of 1812, The Winning of the Due west, Through the Brazilian Wilderness, and more. He served as the President of the Board of Commissioners for the New York Metropolis Law Department from 1895 to 1897.

He then served as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for over a year, from 1897 to 1898, until being elected Governor of New York later that aforementioned year. Somewhen, he would serve as Vice President under William McKinley until taking over equally President after McKinley's untimely death.

2 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

In 1906, Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was given this award, the beginning statesman ever to receive it, considering of his piece of work in negotiating peace for the Russo-Japanese state of war which took place from 1904 to 1905.

Roosevelt too used arbitration to resolve a dispute with Mexico. Although many people felt he was well justified in receiving the honour, it didn't come without some controversy.

Some people felt that Roosevelt was an imperialist who helped to have over the Philippines. Some countries even felt that politics were in play and that giving this honour to Roosevelt was more of a political motion than bestowing an laurels on a worthy individual.

All the same, when looking at his many other accomplishments, the award seems to have gone to the right man.

3. The Meat Inspection Act & Pure Nutrient and Drug Human action

The year 1906 would see the publication of the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, an American novelist and announcer. During 1904 Sinclair had been paid to become to piece of work hugger-mugger in the meat packing industry to find out what actually went on behind airtight doors.

His book would become a all-time seller, depicting harsh working conditions for many immigrants and an bloodcurdling handling of meat amidst unsanitary atmospheric condition.

Listening to his public, Theodore Roosevelt passed the Meat Inspection Act later that yr. The Deed included inspection requirements, including: seeing animals before slaughter, separating diseased animals from good for you ones, destroying condemned meat, and sanitary inspections.

This same yr President Roosevelt also signed the Pure Food and Drug Act, putting like inspection and safety requirements on other foods and drugs.

4. The Roosevelt Corollary

In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was a loose regulatory doctrine that was intended to keep European imperialism from overshadowing the U.S., Caribbean Islands, and Due south American countries. While it was little more than than a slice of newspaper to European powers, it began a solid statement of U.S. foreign policy.

President Roosevelt added to the Monroe Doctrine establishing America equally a type of constabulary for the region. Many people were concerned well-nigh Europe invading countries like Venezuela and the corollary stated that equally a last resort the U.S. would intervene on behalf of any of these countries.

5. Medal of Award Recipient

President Theodore Roosevelt received a Congressional Medal of Award posthumously in 2001. Although he didn't receive the recognition during his lifetime, he was awarded the medal due to his acts of bravery on the field while serving in the U.S. Army.

During the battle of San Juan Hill in the Republic of Republic of cuba, Roosevelt led his men upwards the loma while beingness shot at from the enemy. He was the get-go to accomplish the top and impale one of the enemy's shooters hiding in the trenches, which allowed his men to go on up the colina.

theodore rooseelt mt. rushmore
Theodore Roosevelt is on Mt. Rushmore

half dozen. National Parks

When it comes to nature and the not bad outdoors, no ane has washed more to preserve its greatness than Theodore Roosevelt. Growing upward he was fascinated with taxidermy and later became an avid hunter.

During his time as president, he established v national parks, created 51 federal sanctuaries for birds, created four national game reserves, dedicated over 100 million acres of national forests, and created 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon. To date, the National Park Service has dedicated more units to his name than any other person.

Information technology's too widely known that the "Teddy Bear" was named after Theodore Roosevelt. While hunting in Mississippi, Roosevelt didn't see any bears. His hunting partners tracked one downwards and tied it to a tree for Roosevelt to shoot it. Feeling that was unsportsmanlike, he refused, but had the carry shot to put it out of its misery. A processed shop owner put two bears in his shop window and got permission to call them Teddy's bears. Their popularity took off and over 100 years later they remain a favorite babyhood toy.

7. Roosevelt's Square Deal

President Roosevelt'due south Square Deal consisted of consumer protection, control of large corporations, and conservation of natural resource. The goal of the Foursquare Deal was to help center course citizens while still assuasive businesses to exist free from outrageous demands that often came with organized labor.

Roosevelt felt strongly that the government needed to intervene between big companies who were concerned with little more obtaining wealth and defrauding the public to their benefit.

eight. The Elkins and Hepburn Acts

The Elkins Act was passed in 1906 and was closely related to Roosevelt'southward Square Deal. This Act stopped the practise of railroads giving rebates to companies they favored. By doing this, the railroads had put many smaller farmers into situations where they didn't have equal access to the railroads.

Later came the Hepburn Act, a response to public outcry over unregulated increases of rates. The Deed also stopped the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) but strengthened Federal regulations over the railroad industry.

9. Depression Inflation

During both his first and 2d term, President Roosevelt was able to continue aggrandizement depression, with the rate increasing each term past only five percent. Lower single digit inflation is often associated with good, healthy economic growth and during his time in office, inflation was an average of one percent per year.

From 1902 to 1908, inflation fluctuated betwixt v percent and negative two percent.

x. The Panama Canal

President Roosevelt had been an ardent supporter of edifice a canal which would link the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Bounding main by cut through Panama. The 48-mile stretch goes through the Isthmus of Panama and has been a prominent addition to international maritime trading. Although the culvert had initially been an thought as far dorsum as 1534, it wouldn't exist until France tried building information technology that the idea of a viable canal became possible.

Although this was a projection France was working on, they soon gave up due to the high death rate of workers and multiple engineering issues. Roosevelt successfully took over the projection in 1904 and the culvert was finally finished in 1914.

Approximately 1,000 ships used the canal its start year. Currently, over fourteen,00 use information technology yearly. Being one of the greatest and largest engineering projects to ever be undertaken, the canal is often referred to as i of the seven wonders of the modern world, thank you largely in part to President Roosevelt.

theodore roosevelt's accomplishments
Teddy Roosevelt accomplished a swell bargain

xi. The Newlands Reclamation Deed

In 1902, the Newlands Reclamation Act was a federal constabulary that Roosevelt helped to pass to provide necessary funding for irrigation. Initially, it started with the starting time xiii states, just boosted states were then included. Funding came from the sale of semi-arid public country that had been owned past the government.

Eventually, the Act stimulated agriculture and transformed many states out West, creating expert working land from formerly useless land. States like Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and South Dakota all benefited from the Human activity and now produce a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

12. Strengthened the U.S. Navy

From his fourth dimension as Assistant Secretary of the Navy to his time equally President, Theodore Roosevelt felt very strongly nearly the U.S. Navy. During those years he increased the size and power of the U.S. Navy and sent the "Great White Fleet" around the world for over a year, showcasing America's new power and naval capabilities.

Although the U.Due south. Navy began with 90 small ships, it quickly grew to a modern navy with many fighting vessels, all due to Roosevelt.

thirteen. America'southward Beginning Chocolate-brown Belt in Judo

Theodore Roosevelt would be the showtime person in America to earn a brown belt in judo. Loving a good fight, he would often bear witness off his skills during dinners with of import dignitaries. He had mats put into the White Business firm and he could be found sparring with anyone willing to fight with him, including his wife.

14. Got First Workmen's Compensation Laws Passed

Injuries to workers were often common in the railroad and textile industries. As railroads expanded and textile factories became more abundant, workers began to go hurt in larger numbers. Prior to the FELA Act which held companies liable for injuries on the job, workers would have to sue to try and get compensation.

Workers still had to prove the company was negligent, but the new laws supported by President Roosevelt made the way easier for workers to be compensated when the company was at fault.

15. Created the U.S. Forest Service

Along with being a conservationist, President Roosevelt protected public lands and wildlife. The Us Forest Service (USFS) was created in 1905 and operates under the Department of Agronomics.

1 of his main goals of establishing the USFS was to create sustainability of the state's resource. He wanted the forests to be effectually for continued use for years to come, and his proper name still resonates with conservation and the neat outdoors.

Summing Things Up

As you tin see from all that has been described here, Theodore Roosevelt was an accomplished President. And it'southward likely none of these would have been possible had it not been for the strength of his personal character.

If yous are interested in learning more about TR, a great place to start is by reading his own autobiography. You'll exist able to appraise the man using Roosevelt's own words. You tin option this book upwardly at some stores or on Amazon.

I hope you institute this slice on Theodore Roosevelt's accomplishments useful! Thanks for stopping by.

References: Land of Promise: A History of the United states. Berkin and Wood. Forseman Publishing (1987)


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